my own swordsman terjemahan Cina
- my own private idaho: 我私人的爱达荷
- swordsman ii: 笑傲江湖ii东方不败
- a league of their own: 红粉联盟
- blind swordsman: the zatoichi: 座头市
- return of the one-armed swordsman: 独臂刀王
- the butcher, the chef and the swordsman: 刀见笑
- the swordsman (film 2018): 剑客 (韩国电影)
- a sea of her own: 那女人的大海
- in a class of her own: 漂亮书生
- men going their own way: 男人自行之路
- to each his own: 风流种子
- to each his own (film): 风流种子
- to each his own cinema: 给康城的情书
- god's own country (filem 2017): 春光之境 (2017年电影)
- god's own country (film 2017): 春光之境 (2017年电影)